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Beers – Past, Present & Future

Beers – Past, Present & Future image

So for basically our first year we produced 3 beers. Southpaw was the original. Our homebrew beer. Charlie’s recipe that we brewed together in his garden in November 2013. Then on Five Points’ kit in January 2014. Then finally on ours in June 2014!

Next up a pale ale, Beatnik, in August 2014 after brewing Southpaw for 2 months. Then Dissident, a porter. It was October, we had to brew a dark beer. But then we stopped trialling new brews for 6 months.

Equipment is so unique, so different from each other, that to fully understand how it works, you need to brew 100s of times to be able to say, yes, let’s do this as it’ll turn out like this and that’ll be great. So that’s what we did. We brewed, and every single brew we tweaked. Every brew we sent something off to be analysed. Every brew we took samples at stages you normally wouldn’t to understand better what was being extracted, what was being isomerised, how beers were taking carbonation, what were yeast counts, etc… We began to feel really confident around April 2015.

Yuzu came out then. A highly adventurous collaboration brew with fruits and single funky hops included. We’d started using a hop back and had changed the way we make our late kettle additions.

Then Hepcat came in August 2014. A Session IPA that we’re hoping takes front centre stage. Since then we’ve done our first IPA and a Best Bitter.

Within 3 months, we’re going to have 3 more tanks and increase our capacity by 2.5x. Ridiculously exciting. The point of this is that we walked before we ran, then we started running, and, now that we’re running, we’re not looking back. We’re so excited for all the brews, all the experimentation and all heartache and triumph that’s to come. We can’t wait to see what you guys think.

Sam out.