Indy Man Beer Con
Gipsy Hill
26 October 2016
The boys took a day off from brewing and headed to Indy Man Beer Con.
As the cold autumn nights start to close in and the end of the UK beer festival season starts to rear its ugly head there is one event keeping an eager grin on many craft beer lovers across the nation. That is of course Indy Man Beer Con.
The growth of this festival has gone hand in hand with the rapid growth of the Manchester beer scene which now gives the likes of London and Newcastle a run for their money thanks to the originality and creativity from new local breweries such as Cloudwater and Blackjack. Now into its 4th year IMBC has well and truly cemented itself as one of the UK’s most celebrated craft beer festivals, and after attending this year’s it is easy to understand why. Upon collecting your festival glass and tokens and then entering the beautiful building that is The Victoria Baths it is easy to get lost imagining the baths in their former glory over 100 years ago. Before the day dream of hundreds of Victorians bathing in the expansive baths takes control you are quickly brought crashing back to reality by the impressive set-up and array of beers on offer from any of the 30+ on show each day.
With both national and international breweries such as Beavertown, Wylam, Mad Hatter, Redchurch and Stone Berlin there ready to show off their latest creations it was clear we were in for a great day. From pales to browns, sours to lagers and just about every style in-between, there was something for everyone. Some of our favourites included Wild Beer’s tropical and yeasty New England IPA, Wylam’s Pieces of What; a beautifully juicy West Coast IPA and Siren’s Maiden; a wonderfully rich and balanced barrel aged barley wine.
But IMBC is about so much more than just beer. It brings together the best of the beer community, characters as crazy and individual as the beers. When you find yourself stood next to Beavertown’s founder; Logan who is dressed in a full astronaut fancy dress outfit you know something special is taking place. That is exactly what Indy Man Beer Con is – something special. It is more than just another beer festival. It is a mecca for all beer lovers to unite and celebrate the achievements of so many talented brewers. Long may it continue.
Check out the other festivals we’re heading to over on our events page.