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Hinterweltler – Maibock – spring time beer!

Hinertweltler is a Maibock, a style drunk in the Bavarian alps in the short spring. Imagine a little burst of sun breaking through the clouds and a fresh chill in the air from whisks of snow left from winter. In your hand a 1l stein, filled with golden amber goodness. A slightly nutty malt base, a nice throaty bitterness and a tingle on the tongue from the carbonation. Perfect.

About seven months ago, Yovcho joined the ranks at the brewery, bringing his Bavarian brewing prowess with him. He ran production alongside Simon. At the brewery we want everyone in the team to bring recipes to the table and Hinterweltler was his. Yovcho was also the second of the team (not including the co-founders) to feature on a beer. Fortunately, his lederhosen were not as short as the picture suggests.

Hinterweltler was our first attempt at any sort of lager. It had double the tank time of any of our other brews. We decided to use traditional bock ingredients and blend them with some of their modern counterparts. Once we have our new tanks installed it’s definitely a style we will look at doing again.

The grain bill comprised Carahell, Abbey malt and Carapils to achieve a nice nutty base and amber hue. For the hops we brought together the traditional Hersbrucker and modern hop Hüll Melon. The latter gives (unsurprisingly) a fantastic melon aroma and taste. It’s completely naturally carbonated.

Hinterweltler is available at the brewery tap every Saturday but remember, it is a limited release, so get it while you can.

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