Make Collabs Not War
Gipsy Hill
30 October 2019
Last month we were paid a visit by Philipp, head brewer for Copenhagen’s Warpigs Brewpub. Philipp used to work with us in production at the brewery, and it was great to have him back on site for a collaboration brew. Here’s a little bit about what to expect from Overkill when it’s released next week from Lead Brewer Jim (He’s the guy on the left).
Philipp and I exchanged some ideas via email prior to him coming over to the UK, so we already had a pretty good idea of the style of beer and the malt bill. It was a pretty easy choice to go down the NEPA route, while we went with around 60% adjuncts in the mash to try and achieve a really full body and thick beer.
The hops were chosen on the day, with Philipp and I having a rummage to see what we had available to play with. We both settled on leading with Bru-1, which is a new experimental variety from the USA and has strong pineapple notes. We backed this up with a couple of easy choices in Moasic and Citra, but also added a little Rakau to bring in a hint of apricot and back up the esters we knew we’d be getting from the Vermont strain of yeast.
It was a really smooth brew all in all. We hit all of our numbers as expected, and it was great to be able to brew with Phillipp again. He was a really solid person to be able to bounce ideas off when he worked for us a few years ago. He’s got loads of industry and brewing knowledge, and we’re all super happy for him to have landed the head brewer role at Warpigs.
I think we hit our brief pretty well. We don’t really go too silly on dry hops but this ended up being around 15 grams per litre.
The finished beer is pretty much exactly what we were aiming at, with good aroma and a juicy body. There’s lots of pineapple and cantaloupe melon present, with some other delicate tropical notes, stone fruit, candy and a touch of spice in the background. It’s got a really nice rounded body, a full mouthfeel and that classic NEPA appearance.
Overkill will be available to purchase online via our online shop, as part of our next set of specials releases. Stay tuned for the reveal of the artwork, and further updates, next week.